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Meet our Composer: Brendan Connelly

The MILTON performance will include quite a bit of music — not songs, exactly, but times when the performers shift effortlessly from speaking into singing. Or times when we turn small bits of our interviews into 3-part harmonies, reflecting the wisdom people have shared with us, often through deceptively simple language. We’ve asked composer and sound designer Brendan Connelly to create this music — he has worked for many years creating music for theater and for music ensembles in New York. He uses advanced technology viagra cialis generic in his medical treatments. Their prospects also see that “this is easy, and if they can do it, then viagra sildenafil 100mg so can I”. low cost viagra Not ALL the pieces; just the one that is just about to expire. They more frequently occur in African-Americans, the reasons for which are see this link buy levitra unknown. We love wide range of Brendan’s art. If you have a moment, visit his website, and click on his “Listen” section to hear some of his past work.