
Fireman/ Author

We met Brian at Celebrate Milton!, an annual outdoor community festival held behind Pierce Middle School, where the fire department was letting kids explore an old fashioned fire wagon. 


Tell us about your profession.

I’ve been working in the fire department for about 35 years.  I am the director of the firehouse museum, which is an old station that has been turned into a museum.  I love history!  And I also love the action and excitement of fighting fires, doing first aid, and helping with motor vehicle accidents.  You know, just helping people who are in distress, or in trouble.  It’s especially great when you receive thanks and appreciation from them.


And you’ve written a book?

Yes! Called Milton Firefighting.  It took a couple years to write.  All about the history of the fire department here, with great photos.


Do you have advice for future generations?

Be patient with yourself.  Enjoy your life.  Find out what you want to do, and don’t be afraid to take chances.  I never thought I’d be the author of a book, but I took a risk and sent in a proposal.  And the first one was rejected. But I kept at it, because I wanted to do it. And now the book has sold incredibly well.


Do firefighters still slide down poles?

Yes, we have a pole and the guys slide down it.  Guys today are in better shape than they were 20 years ago.  People take care of themselves better. Hardly anyone in our department smokes.


Do you still rescue cats out of trees?

The official word on that is No, we don’t.