At Celebrate Milton! in Milton, MA, we met Hall Kirkham an episcopal priest. Here he is standing with colleague Joyce Caggiano and a congregation member.
Tell us about this picture.
We are out here today representing our church, St. Michael’s. This is a great art project that someone did with our congregation. We really enjoy combining creativity with our work.
How long have you been a priest?
A short time– only 5 years. I was an investment consultant before that.
Wow, that sounds like a big change!
Yes! I got my MBA in 1994 and was really in that whole world. Money was very important to me, and I had what many would consider a very nice, comfortable life. Even though at the end I was working for non-profits, advising them on their financial planning, I still wasn’t satisfied. I started feeling the call to ministry and decided to finally follow through on it. It took me a long time to do. Lots of people couldn’t understand the switch. But I’m so happy doing what I do now. I love being able to serve people so directly. I really feel like as a priest, I’m one of the congregation, one of the community. It’s my job to be a leader within that, and I do the best I can.